Why did you choose a career path within sports?
None of the other options seemed like they would be nearly as much fun.
Favorite event, project or client you’ve worked on in your career?
I was very lucky to produce a show called Garbage Time with Katie Nolan for FS1 from 2015-2017. Our bosses let us try and figure out how to do a half-hour sports comedy show without too many rules and people ended up really liking it. We won an Emmy in 2016 for it and I’m so proud of everyone that worked on the show and everything we put into it.
Which tech or digital innovation do you think will have the greatest impact in sports over the next few years?
Streaming. You’ve already started to see how it’s changing the way live sports are produced and where we’re watching those live sports. It’s going to keep getting better and things are going to get easier to watch anywhere on any device. We’re in one of the bigger transition phases in sports media at the moment and on the other side should be a much more accessible content environment that more outlets can participate in.
Best piece of career advice you’ve ever received?
The best idea wins, but the goal is to create a culture where everyone understands what the best idea is.
Worst piece of career advice you’ve ever received?
Being told not to try something because it hasn’t worked in the past.
What is your favorite sporting moment of all time?
Richard Sherman’s tip INT to Malcom Smith in the endzone to win the 2013 NFC Championship Game. I’ve been a Seahawks fan my whole life, and that play at that time against that Niners team we battled with for years was amazing. And that it led to that Super Bowl blowout doesn’t hurt.
Who is your biggest inspiration within the sports industry?
Erik Rydholm and Kevin Wildes, are two of the most impressive and creative producers in sports studio television over the last two decades. Erik has created and run shows like PTI, Around the Horn and Highly Questionable (among many, many others) and Kevin has been behind everything at ESPN from SportsNation to The Jump. They are both masters at elevating sports television, pushing creative boundaries, and giving new and non-traditional voices a chance to succeed behind and in front of the camera.
If you could travel to any point in time (past or future), where and when would you want to go, and why?
We can stick with the sports theme here…any and all of Secretariat’s Triple Crown races in 1973. Just watching those races as grainy YouTube videos gives me chills, I can’t imagine what it would be like to be at The Belmont in 1973 and see him win by 31 lengths live.
Who was the biggest help to get your career started in the sports industry?
An absolutely wonderful person and recruiter for ESPN named Stacy Williamson. When I applied to be a Production Assistant there in 2011, she saw that we both went to Virginia Tech and helped me get an interview…without that, I may have never had a career in sports at all. We all need a helping hand or a lucky break to get into this industry and Stacy was mine.
Favorite Vacation Destination?
Las Vegas.
Favorite Local Restaurant, Bar or Hang-out?
Austin: I’m still new to Austin so I am very much not qualified to answer yet…though I am thoroughly enjoying the process of figuring it out.
Go-to sports industry resource?
The answer is unfortunately still Twitter. Despite some of its annoyances it’s still the best way to curate an efficient and comprehensive picture of what’s happening in sports. Beyond just a resource, I’ve really enjoyed what Dan LeBatard and his crew are doing right now (and have been doing for some time). They have some of the smartest people having the smartest conversations about where sports and sports media currently are.